What Do YOU Most Need Today?

If you could wave a magic wand, what would you most want to change or improve in your life?

Personalized 1:1 coaching offers moms and dads of older teens the tools to:

  • deal with your teenagers’ changing moods and frustrations

  • improve communication with your partner & kids

  • navigate big life transitions, like kids leaving for college

  • take exciting risks in your career

  • tackle goals you’ve been avoiding (like exercise)

  • follow through on self-care

  • prioritize yourself and your own needs!

When my three kids were little I Googled, “Who takes care of Moms?” late at night when I felt overwhelmed, broken, and alone. For years I'd poured everything into my family and my job until I felt exhausted, frustrated, and depressed. My health took a hit from stress. I consumed family-size bags of chips & didn’t take care of my body. I was snappy with my kids. There was tension in my marriage. I felt lost.

I gave up my career to be a stay-at-home Mom. Everyone said, “You’re so lucky to be home with your kids all day!” This made me feel worse because despite pouring 200% of myself into raising my beautiful kids I felt deeply unhappy. I judged myself as ungrateful, selfish, and a ‘bad’ mother.

I was looking for ANYTHING to help me rediscover myself. How to become the mom, partner, friend, and human I most wanted to be?!? Then, I found life coaching.

As I got coached, I began to see my world differently. I grew healthier, stronger & more patient. I forgave myself for my mistakes. I learned to set healthy boundaries. I became less reactive with my kids & husband. I leaned into my own dreams again.

I healed old wounds & became the best version of myself I’d ever been… the one I’d always wanted to be, but didn’t think was possible.

I now throw this lifeline out to other parents… especially the older ones like me; Moms and Dads of teens (and adults) grappling with the daunting job of rediscovering our path now that our kids are growing up and leaving home.

You have a big, beautiful goal… I’ve got strategies.I help midlife moms:Increase self-confidenceSTOP self-sabotaging with negative self-talk, stress and overwhelmCreate healthy boundariesTake ACTION!

I coach overwhelmed, stressed Moms & empty-nesters

(…plus a few Dads!)

Listen Now: Why I Coach

Things can honestly get better. You can find balance and inner contentment with accountability, tools and strategies, enhanced clarity, more self-compassion… and a coach who believes in you 200%.

My coaching style is compassionate, loving, and direct. My clients and I laugh a lot together, and I will also hold space for your tears and frustrations. Together, we’ll get amazing results!

You’ll be getting the benefit of my 25+ years of experience, training (Stanford University, University of San Diego, UCSD, The Life Coach School), 21-year relationship & nearly 2 decades of motherhood.

What better time than now could there be to become the best version of you (AND your relationships)!

 Outstanding Results

You’re likely to get outstanding results.

My clients have:

  • Created powerful and joyful connections with their kids

  • Revitalized relationships with partners

  • Balanced their energy inputs and outputs to have more emotional ‘fuel’ to get through the day

  • Increased their confidence and taken healthy risks

  • Landed dream jobs

  • Returned to graduate school

  • Bought their own homes

  • Moved to new cities (and sometimes, new countries!)

  • Improved their communication with significant people in their lives

  • Developed healthier relationships with in-laws, siblings and other relatives

  • Started new businesses of their own

  • Enhanced their own physical health and well-being

  • Felt happier, more motivated and ‘unstuck’

  • Changed their old patterns - permanently

… and much more! Let’s craft a totally unique plan for YOU. I’ll provide a huge amount of support, accountability and consistency.

Invest energy in yourself so that you can reach your full potential. What would you like to accomplish first?

Your Coaching Journey

We’ll meet weekly or twice/month.

You’ll receive new mindset tools and perspectives to explore, along with tools and strategies.

You’ll have an honest, direct coach that holds space for you with lots of compassion and zero judgment.

You get to decide what kind of pacing works best for you. Some clients arrive ready to make a big change! You may want homework and choose to double-down with a ton of focus, so the coaching process moves really fast!

Or, you may prefer a slow and steady transformation with consistent support and accountability. That works really beautifully too! There is no ‘wrong way’ to create the best version of you.


Commonly Expressed By Clients BEFORE we begin working together:

  • “I’m so busy, I feel like a hamster in a wheel. No time to rest!”

  • “I love my kids/partner but they are driving me nuts!”

  • “I feel like I can never get ahead.”

  • “I said yes, but then I felt so frustrated and resentful.”

  • “I’m tired of feeling so stuck and overwhelmed.”

  • “I soak up their emotions like a sponge but at some point, I just can’t hold any more.”

  • “I know I can do and be more than this. I just don’t know where to start, or how to find the time.”

  • “I didn’t mean to snap at them. I’ve just reached my limit!”

  • “It feels like I am failing but I can’t try any harder than I already am.”

  • “I don’t know why I keep doing _________. I guess I am avoiding dealing with my stuff.”

You are not alone.

That’s one reason we don’t talk about this stuff; we feel like we are all alone and nobody else is failing or flailing at parenthood like us.

We feel embarrassed and ashamed, and we try to put on a good front.

We put photos on Facebook of our family, everyone smiling on vacation, and then write in our journal about what a mess our life is; how stressed out and sad we feel. How lonely we are.

We don’t reach out for support and connection; right at the moment when we most need it.

And believe me, you are not alone. Being a human is hard. Parenting is hard.

There is no shame in searching for a less painful path.


To Sum It Up…

If you feel like you’ve lost your identity to some degree with parenthood and you’re trying to figure out how to become a better version of yourself, I’ve done this work and can show you how.

There are so many tools and strategies I can share, along with helping you figure out the mindsets that are not serving you. We can co-create powerful, individualized routines & action plans so that you can accomplish goals, improve your relationships and feel real love for your life and family a lot more.

Our sessions will be a peaceful, safe space where you can explore what you actually want to create in your future.

Become The Best Version Of You

Communicate more effectively when under stress.

Be a more patient and relaxed parent, partner & human.

Understand how to stay calm even when things get chaotic.

Speak to yourself (and think about yourself) kindly.

Set and honor healthy boundaries with others.

Take action more frequently on the goals that matter to you.

Spend less time avoiding challenges by buffering with ice cream, shopping & social media.

Find More Balance.